Thursday, July 30, 2009

Irons in the Fire

The shoe project is nearly upon us! Here's the plan (at least as of now):

The forms, which will be available in both English and Spanish (perhaps one language on one side and one on the another), will be distributed at the grade school during the two days of enrollment on August 5th and 6th. The deadline on these forms will be August 7 @ noon, and Nancy Lambert will be the one to whom the forms are to go.

Prior to the church office closing for the week (maybe even on August 6) Leanne (and most likely Brandee) will secure a blank check from Trena and any other documentation needed to make our shoe purchase tax exempt. Leanne and/or Brandee will take care of getting the forms from Nancy and tallying the total number of shoes we'll need. Then it will be off to Wal-mart where we must remember to utilize the $25 gift card that the Liberal Wal-mart has donated--Leanne plans to pick it up this coming Saturday after she sets up a cake there.
Hopefully, enough class members will be in church on Sunday to help organize the shoes by family and place them labeled plastic sacks for distribution on Sunday the 16th from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Other continuing projects include the food pantry, which Ryan and Karen stocked this month using the grocery store's ShurFine sale, and the clothes closet, which needs another going through before we begin marking the items therein with an expiration date. Additionally, we'll all need to pitch in and help Stacey and Stephanie get our Love and Logic parenting class for the fall up and off the ground, and then there's the large-item auction that Brent has begun basic preparations on. A date for that event needs to be set.

With all this going on, Ryan has opted not to call the Emmaus to inquire about volunteer opportunities as it seems we have more than enough to keep us busy right here at home. Perhaps when summer's over, we will all land in one place at the same time, and we talk face-to-face. What a novel concept!

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