Sunday, August 23, 2009

Notes from Sunday, Augsut 23, 2009

Love and Logic Parenting Classes

Thus far we have had no response to our Love and Logic parenting classes advertising. Ryan will email Rolf at the paper to take care of the discrepancy in the time of the class, and Stacey will create a note to send home from the grade school in an attempt to get things moving,

We will plan on hosting the first class on Sept. 13 and using it to determine whether or not the classes will continue.

Large-item Auction

After some discussion, we decided to have the auction run in conjunction with Harvestfest on Oct. 24. Beginning at 10:00 a.m we will auction off large items with the goal of generating funds for our van project. Here's what needs to be done in preparation for this event:

  • Karen will create sale bill.
  • Mendy and Brent will work on getting an auctioneer.
  • Ryan will create a PowerPoint slide calling for donations.
  • Ryan will inform Jim Shearman of the date change and ask for his help on picking up items around town.
  • Brent will talk to Chuck Lozar and the city about utilizing the lot across the street from the community building and possibly roping off the street for the event.
  • NO FOOD will be needed as we will encourage attendees to eat at Harvestfest.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Shoe Project Complete and New Projects Underway

With a little luck and a lot of shopping by Brandee and Leanne, we have successfully purchased and will have distributed 79 pairs of shoes before school starts. A few parents did not show up at the giveaway on Sunday, but between delivering some to homes directly and leaving some for Trena to distribute, the task will soon be done. Rachel is taking care of exchanges and buying the last pairs we've gotten requests for in Liberal Monday night. Trena will hold these for pick-up during regular church office hours. Pioneer Electric has expressed some interest in helping us fund this project retroactively. Please pray this becomes a reality.

In addition to the shoes, we've also helped a number of families with school supplies as the New Convenant Church did not undertake this project. This is something else we should take into consideration for the future.

With school starting again on Thursday, Rachel thought it might be nice to send a card of support from Satanta United Methodist to each teacher, administator, para, and secretary in our district along with a small gift such as a pen or a pack of post-it notes. She will work on this project this week with support from Ryan with the goal of delivering the notes on Thursday.

Stacey and Stephanie have finalized preparations for the Love and Logic Parenting classes. Here are the details if anyone asks:
  • Course consists of five, two-hour classes
  • Classes meet each Sunday between 4:30 and 6:30 at SUMC in the sanctuary.
  • Enrollement is $10 per person, which includes a book
  • Stacey is taking RSVPs for enrollment
We also spoke with Kelvin regarding our concept (thanks Jim Shearman) of a large-item auction. Pastor Kelvin suggested Oct. 10 as a good (unbooked) Saturday for an auction and a luncheon. Brent and Leanne may have a conflict on this date, but they are checking their schedules. OCt. 24 was also suggested, but Harvestfest is already scheduled for that date. Once we have a date set, arrangements will need to be made, among them asking for large-item donations from the congregation. We will also need a sale bill and an auctioneer. It has been suggested that we ask the New Genesis class to help with the luncheon.

This will give us LOTS to talk about next Sunday, so it's good thing we let our books go! Hope to see you there!


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Notes from Sunday, August 2, 2009

Faithweaver Friends (Mendy, Stephanie)

Mendy has spoken with Kelvin, and he indicated that he'd like to see Faithweavers begin on August 26. We'll need to line up volunteers to make this happen. Stacey suggested that Mendy contact the Pleasant Prairie youth pastor and his wife (Charity and Jay) to see if they might be able to help this year. Ryan suggested that Mendy ask Shirley McDonald to ask Penny Thacker and Chrystal Taylor if they would interested in helping again this year. It probably wouldn't hurt to ask for other volunteers via the church newsletter and a general announcement the next couple of Sundays. Arranging for volunteers to bring snacks will also need to be done, probably my means of a sign-up sheet to be passed around on a clipboard during Sunday service.

Love and Logic (Stephanie, Stacey, Mendy)

The dates for the Love and Logic Parenting Classes are Sept. 13 to Oct. 11 (4:30-6:30). Stephanie is working on an information letter to be distributed via the school with enrollment information in both English and Spanish. This note will also include a section that offers enrollment scholarships for those who might not otherwise be able to attend. The cost for regular enrollment, by the way, is $15 for a single and $25 for a couple, which includes the book that will be used in the class. Hopefully, Juanita will be willing to translate this letter, which will also be distributed via Parents and Teachers and Brandee's pre-school. We also plan to post information around town--the post office, the library, and the grocery store for sure. Ryan will write a newspaper article in addition to this advertising.

We have decided that free childcare for children of all ages will be needed for this program. Mendy suggested that the Chrysalis circle might be willing to take on this task. We will need to speak with Lana Clawson about this idea.

It is likely that there will also be a need for translators at the classes themselves. Stacey suggested that we ask Josie, Gloria, and Angie for their help and offer them free enrollment in return. If necessary, we could also simply pay them for their services. They will need to be contacted.

Shoes (Ryan, Karen, Leanne, Brandee)

Most of the details for the shoe project have been outlined in an older post. However, some new items always come up in discussion. Stacey, for instance, volunteered to help with the purchase of the shoes, which Leanne and Brandee will be in charge of. She also suggested that if we have unused funds that we use them for the purchase of school supplies and backpacks. This, again, would involve Wal-mart.

Auction (Brent)

Jim Shearman inquired after church if we had thought anymore about the large-item auction. He was instructed that Brent is to be the point person on this one with the first decision being the date of our event. The fall might be a good time as we are booked right now.