This year the hunt, which the Satanta United Methodist Church as agreed to sponsor, will be held on Sunday, April 1 (no foolin') at 1:00 p.m.
I found the following post from nearly year ago and used it to remind myself what we did last year in terms of preparations. I hope it helps you all do the same!
The Easter Egg hunt is on for next week at 1:00 p.m., but there are still many things left to be done.
First, we must get the remaining eggs stuffed with candy or quarters. Steve will pick up more candy to stuff the remaining the eggs; Leanne will take care of getting quarters from Centera.
Cathy has organized the grand prizes baskets, and Brent has offered to get some Satanta Bucks to place inside them. When this is done, Cathy will cellophane the three baskets up. These prizes will be awarded to the child who finds the golden egg (which Ryan has) in each of the following divisions: birth to pre-K, K-2, 3-6.
Someone (perhaps Stacey?) should send an email to all the GS teachers asking them to remind their students of the event, or a note could be sent home if someone is feeling that industrious.
Because the hunt is at 1:00, we'll stay for lunch in the fellowship hall. Ryan will pick up sandwich fixings, chips, and some paper goods at the store. Those who wish to pitch in could provide drinks, sides, or desserts.
If all goes well, we'll be "hiding" the eggs by 12:30 p.m. for the 1:00 start. After that, we'll have to stand guard and direct children to their designated hunting areas. We'll also want to make sure that we let everyone know that while they may keep their candy and prizes, we'd like to have their eggs back for use at next year's hunt.
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