Sunday, February 6, 2011

Notes from Sunday, Feb. 6, 2011

Literacy Fair preparations appear to be on track. Please note that we will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 16 @ 6:30 to set-up for the event. DISCO/NHS kids will be on hand to help. We will meet on Thursday, February 17 @ 5:00 for final preparations. Agnes, Karen's mother, will be in town to help with the event, and she will play the role of nursery supervisor for the Literacy Fair. Monet, Melissa, and Andrea will serve as her helpers.

Brent will pick up thank you gifts for the following people in Garden tomorrow: Kristen Penner, Stephanie Frank, Josie Molina, and Cheri Williams. We should also consider a thank you gift for Jennifer Hanson and Megan Kuehler, who worked to people us publicize our event.

We decided to feed the DISCO kiddos on Feb. 23, but that was moved up to Feb. 9 when it became clear that the youth would NOT have leftover sandwich fixings to eat on this coming Wednesday. We will plan for 30 kids, but if our class comes and brings kids, that number could easily be 50. Here's the plan:

Brent: Pizza from the Sublette bowling alley (if you'd like contribute cash, that would be great; otherwise, we will just pay for the food out of our class account)

Karen: Salad

Nicole and Stacey: Cookies

Cathy: Drinks

We'll just use the paper plates, etc. that are at the church.

The assessment incentive project was also discussed, and we came to the consensus that $500 would be spent on the project. For the high school kids, 10, $10 prizes will be given, probably gift certificates to local businesses. For the JH kids, we'll give away $100 worth of Satanta Day carnival wristbands. The 3-6 kids will get $200 worth of prizes with their teachers choosing what those prizes are.Finally, we will give $100 to the preK-2 teachers to spend on incentives for their classrooms. Nicole will take care of arranging this.

We also discussed the need to re-stock the food pantry. Leanne has offered to head up this effort. We'd like to get this done sometime this week as Jose will be speaking on Sunday. The following is a grocery list we brainstormed in class:

Tuna helper
Pinto beans (dry)
Tortilla flour
Cooking Oil
Macaroni and Cheese
Soups in family-size cans
Toilet Paper
Paper Towels

Finally, we discussed the need to a new study series. Several options were suggested, and Ryan will look into them, beginning with another DVD study led by Adam Hamilton.

1 comment:

  1. Ryan has found an Adam Hamilton DVD series and asked Trena to order it for us. See the youtube video above.
