Saturday, February 19, 2011

21st Time Update

It would appear that we won't be in class on Sunday. My sister is leaving after church and lunch, and we can't miss seeing those twins one more time. Please use Sunday's class to organize the leftover books from the literacy fair for donation. Here's my opinion on that:

1.Box for GS library
2. Box for HS library
3. Box for public library
4. Donations to classroom libraries for anyone who wants remaining items (to include Mendy's PAT needs and Carrie if she's interested)
6. Remaining books to be placed in MAM room or given to Stacey for use at GS literacy night.

We still plan to feed the DISCO kids on Wednesday, February 23. We will use the leftover hot dogs and buns from the literacy fair with Brent purchasing a few extra packages to ensure that there will be enough food for the families in the 21st time to eat.

Cathy will not need to make drinks as we have leftover lemonade as well, but Nicole and Stacey will still need to make cookies, probably a lot of them.

Cathy will provide Minute-to-Win-It activities, and Ryan will try to remember to pick up a couple of prizes for the winners.

I also plan to do some food pantry shopping at Satanta Grocery at some point on Monday. Let him know if you are interested in helping, and we can set up a time to meet.

We still plan to provide money for assessment incentives for students in the USD 507, Satanta, district. We'll do all the purchasing rather than donating to the school to accomplish this. Here's the break-down:

K-2 $100 for classroom incentives (Nicole)
3-4 $100 (or thereabouts) for carnival wristbands (Brent)
5-6 $100 (or thereabouts) for carnival wristbands (Brent)
7-8 $100 (or thereabouts) for carnival wristbands (Brent)
9-12 $100 in Satanta prizes (Pizza Shack, etc) (Ryan)

Thanks for all you do!


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