Sunday, March 27, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt Preparations

The annual Easter Egg Hunt (co-sponsored by the 21st Time and the Satanta Chamber of Commerce) will be held on Sunday, April 17 @ 1:00 p.m.

Ryan has purchased what he hopes is enough candy to fill the eggs. We can do this the couple of Sundays before the event.

Leanne will speak with Matt Lee at Centera about the possibility of the bank donating rolled change, preferably quarters. We will NOT be giving away savings bonds this year; instead, we will offer one large prize per age group. Ryan will pick these prizes up. We will use three golden eggs to determine who wins these prizes. We will need to set age groupings and areas before the event, but that's something we've already pretty much discussed.

Mark will provide two bicycles to be given away. A raffle might work well for this as we want all participants to have a chance to win. Plus, the bikes will be gender-specific: one for a boy and one for a girl.

Because of the early start time of the event, we may have lunch at the church immediately following service that day. Ryan suggested sandwiches. He will pick these items up if this is something everyone else is interested in.

1 comment:

  1. Ryan has purchased three prize baskets, which seriously need to be removed from our home.
