Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday, April 26

The garage sale was a tremendous success. We raised over $850, which we used to restock the MAM food pantry. We'll get some pictures posted soon.

We're making plans for Love and Logic Parent Training next fall. We're going to contact Carol Trout to find out what dates work for her. We discussed promoting the classes at the FOKS Open House, which is tentatively scheduled for the afternoon of the ice cream social. We can also ask Marceil to help us promote the classes to her PAT families. We're going to look into some grants to help fund the books.

We discussed ways to sponsor our Soul to Sole shoe project. We're going to look into some corporate donors. Karen volunteered to write letters.

We made a contribution to Troop 142 for Matthew Lower's backpack project.


  1. I think the shoe project should be sole to soul or soles to souls. I will do some checking on the Tom's shoe company project.



    I visited a couple of shoe charity websites and found that Tom's is really cool, but their shoes are not gym shoes, and it would appear that they serve developing countries.

    We could apply to receive shoes from soles4souls, but they have a ongoing shortage of children's shoes, especially athletic shoes. Nevertheless, I was impressed with their organization.

    Visit both websites when you have a free moment.


  3. I'm not familiar with the Ice Cream Social. Is this a school event?

  4. The Ice Cream Social is sponsored by the ministerial alliance, I believe. It's usually the Sunday before or after school starts.
