Monday, January 23, 2012

Mike Slaughter's Change the World Sparks Discussion of Core Values, Purpose

We are three sessions into our six-session study of Mike Slaughter's Change the World DVD study. We've had some great discussions, and we'd recommend this study to others for use in a small-group setting; in fact, we'll likely share it with other classes in our church. Yet, this last session, which focused on Slaughter's home church's emphasis on international mission sparked our most lively discussion yet as our class (the 21st Time) has largely (almost excusively) seen our mission as local.

Is it time for us to revisit our class's core values and (re)develop a sort of mission statement that guides our practice of faith? Have been successful in our efforts to alleviate poverty? What could we be doing better?

The timing for such a discussion couldn't be better as Pastor Kelvin has discovered something that may help us to further develop our impact in the community. Please read the following email forwarded by Kelvin for further details:

Dear Pastor,

Is your church located in an area where social, economic, physical or mental-health issues affect a large number of neighboring residents? If your church members were trained to deal with tough leadership challenges, could you make a difference in your community? The Leadership and Faith Transforming Communities program has trained faith facilitators who will come to your church and work with your congregation (or a specific class or team) on the necessary skills for successful community leadership.

We have 21 trained Faith Facilitators across the state that have a purpose of: Helping UM churches make progress on something they care about that will contribute to the health of their community.

Assumptions that we make about churches that are ripe for this experience:

· The church believes that being more focused outside their church walls enhances church vitality

· The church believes that community health is part of a God given mission

If your congregation has this focus, please contact me today for more information about this opportunity. It is offered at no cost to UM congregations beyond the travel costs of the Faith Facilitator.

Thanks, Sue

Sue Dondlinger Project Director Leadership and Faith Transforming Communities
Kansas Leadership Center – To foster civic leadership for healthier Kansas communities.
300 North Main, Suite 100
Wichita, KS 67202
Phone: 316-712-4959
Fax: 316-712-4949

We've made the first steps at seeking a beginning point for this process, so we'll see what happens next!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

DISCO in Action

The Satanta United Methodist Youth will serve an enchilada dinner on Wednesday, January 18 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. with proceeds to go toward the Lundblade family of Sublette who lost their home to a fire this past weekend.

They will need the help of adults, both physically and financially, so if you'd like to be a part of this event, please let Ryan or Karen know ASAP.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Literacy Fair Door Prizes

We've agreed to provide door prizes for Satanta Elementary's upcoming literacy fair. We are looking at buying one prize each for the following age groups:





We need ideas for toys, books, games, etc. that would appeal to children in this age group. Start brainstorming, and post your ideas here.