Sunday, November 27, 2011

Possible Study Materials for New Year

Check out this DVD study series! It might be worth trying!

Linking Bible study to global mission and local service projects, this six-session small group resource enables congregations to discuss and act on the imperatives of scripture.

Each week, participants will read and discuss a gospel story, watch a video profiling an inspiring, world-changing mission effort, and envision together how they can change the world locally and globally. Participants won’t just read about Jesus feeding the 5000 or healing the lepers, but will be inspired by contemporary ministries feeding the poor and preventing malaria. Participants will be challenged to take a leading role in the congregation’s missional efforts, serving in a homeless shelter as a group, raising funds for disaster relief, or planning a church-wide day of service.

Jesus called us to follow him, to live a life of active faith, feeding the poor, healing the sick, welcoming the alien, and rescuing the desperate. It’s easy to get stuck in our religious habits of just going to church, tossing a few bucks in the offering plate, and occasionally reading our Bible—but Jesus has bigger plans for us. We are called to be his hands and feet in the world. He wants to use us to change the world.

Notes from Sunday, November 27

Cupcakes for Coats is soon to be finalized. Leanne will take care of switching out one coat for one student that was too small. Nancy Lambert will help her facilitate this exchange. Leanne will also deliver (if she hasn't already) the few coats that were to go to homes in the country. Blake also reported that Mrs. Kowalke has one student who did not receive a coat. If Leanne's last delivery doesn't take care of this situation, Blake will report to Ryan the missing size so that this too can be taken care of. There are 5-7 extra coats that will be placed in the MAM room should other needs arise.

Our Sweet Shoppe will begin on Sunday, Dec. 4. Nicole will make caramels for the kick-off, but we could certainly use other items to fill in. We would welcome candy of any kind as well as baked goods, hot chocolate mixes, etc. The Sweet Shoppe will run three Sundays total: Dec. 4, 11, 18 with Ryan's mom doing peanut brittle on Dec. 11, and Leanne making toffee on Dec. 18.

Money raised from this project will go toward our Christmas Angel Project, which will include personal hygiene gift sets for those gift recipients in junior high or high school. We'll also want to pick up some infant and toddler gifts as back-ups. The deadline for the Christmas Angels is Dec. 11 with delivery slated for Dec. 13, which will coordinate with the delivery date of the Christmas food baskets by the Pairs and Spares. A time for this delivery has not been determined as of yet.

We are also planning to help out at the elementary school's February Literacy Night. We will provide cookies and punch as well has door prizes. We will use the following break-downs for door prizes:


Nicole also suggested that we could hand out pencils and erasers to every child in attendance. Ryan will take care of this.

We also discussed Assessment Incentives for this school year. Pool passes and carnival wristbands seem to work well at the elementary level, but we are considering moving to fewer, grander prizes at the junior high and high school. Flat-screen televisions and DVD players were discussed. This needs to be finalized at a later date after further discussion. Once this is done, perhaps we can revisit our concept of having an Assessment Achievement Recognition Banquet later in the spring of 2012.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dates to Remember

Coat delivery November 20 (coat delivery following Thanksgiving lunch at church)

Christmas Angel Launch November 9 (UMW Bazaar)
Christmas Angel Delivery December 14 (time TBA)

Christmas Sweet Shoppe December 4, 11, and 18.

Christmas Program at Church December 11.