Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas Delivery Date

December 13th @ 1:00 p.m.
Delivery of Christmas Angel Gifts

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Sweet Success

Our Sweet Shop's first sale was a success! We sold 27 bags and 10 tins of peanut brittle from Ryan's mom and six more small boxes of the chocolate-topped variety from Granny Zelma. Plus, we sold nearly all of Nicole's first round of caramels. Keep those candies, pies, cakes, cookies, jams and jellies, and whatever else you can think of coming!

We added to that $60 more to the Christmas fund to purchase Satanta hoodies for those children on our angel tree who are in 7th-12th grade.

We also sold the last three extra copies of The Shack we had on hand. If you are done with your copy, please bring it to class so that we can sell it, too. At $10 each we break even AND pass on a very good book!

All this selling meant that we took in well over $200, some of which Ryan will use to purchase gifts for toddlers and babies with siblings on our angel tree list. He is also kicking around the idea of using the leftover "Satanta United Methodist Church" mugs to give to parents when we distribute the gifts. It would be fairly easy to fill them with candy or simply place hot chocolate mix in them.

In other news, we got word this week from Trena that we have received a $1,000 donation from a church member who wishes to support our work. Nothing has been decided yet, but we are prayerfully considering using these funds to make four $250 literacy grants available to teachers in our school district. Your feedback on this matter is welcome!

Darlene Lucas, who is heading up our church's Christmas food distribution this year, inquired about whether we wanted to coordinate our gift giving with theirs. Unfortunately, they have set the date for food distribution on December 17, which is a bit late for us. Karen suggested that we go earlier in the week, perhaps even on the weekend prior to school being out. Again, we need your feedback as delivering 60 gifts can take a lot of time . . . especially with Santa along for the ride.

Last but not least, there was some discussion of a class bowling party at Sublette. This could be really fun, but a date will need to be set as soon as possible. Any thoughts?

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Angel Tree Ornaments

Christmas is quickly approaching, and the 21st Time Class is busy getting ready for the holiday season. We appreciate all the support from the church and feel truly blessed to be part of such a giving community. This yearly project would not be successful without the help of all of you. We know how hard it can be to find Christmas gifts for our kids, and this year we hope you will find it easier. We have made a few of the following changes:

For the jr./sr. high students we are asking for a donation of $20.00 to cover the cost of a Satanta sweatshirt. Our class has provided other items that will go with the sweatshirt. The jr./sr. high students ornaments will have their number and letter and “Donation” will be written on those ornaments.

The grade school students will have a white paper attached to their ornament with a list of toys/games/crafts, etc. that are appropriate for their age. The items are on this list are all under $15.00. Along with the list is written information with sizes and ideas for that particular child. These are just suggestions; do not feel that you have to purchase some of these from the list.

Once you have selected your ornament, please write your name by the number and letter of the ornament on the sheet of paper by the clip board adjacent to the tree.

Most importantly, when you bring your gift, PLEASE have your ornament and a gift sack. If you selected an ornament with a donation, bring the ornament and a gift sack. The gifts will need to be brought to the church no later than Sunday December 13.

We appreciate all your support!

21st Time Sunday School Class

The Shack Discussion

Here are some things to think about from the first section of The Shack. Feel free to share your thoughts by commenting on this post.

Why do you think the author describes Mack as someone you probably wouldn't notice in a crowd?

Many people find the first section of the book painful to read. Was it painful for you? Do you think it is necessary for this section to be so painful for the rest of the book to work?

How would you describe your relationship with God? How do you picture God?

Would you have accepted the invitation to the shack?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thank You

We received this thank you note from Ron Levan at the high school:

To everyone at the Methodist Church:

I want to thank you for the very generous donation of the baritone for our music department. It's truly a pleasure to live and work in a community that is so supportive of its schools and of the arts. Thanks again!

Ron Levan, Principal

Monday, November 2, 2009

Anyone for Homemade Peanut Brittle?

It's official: Ryan's mom will have 10 recipes of peanut brittle ready to sell by November 22. On subsequent Sundays, we'll have even more treats lined up. Leanne and Mendy will be offering toffee, Rachel will be making her delicious quick breads, Nicole will offer up her caramels, and that's just to name a few of the goodies that we'll have on hand.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Special thanks to the Satanta Kayettes for donating items gathered during their annual Trick-or-Treat-So-Others-Can-Eat food drive!

Speaking of food . . . Don't forget that we'll need lots of goodies for the sweet shop beginning Nov. 22 and continuing with Nov. 29, Dec. 6, Dec. 13, and Dec. 20. We'll sell these items in the narthex before Sunday worship with all proceeds going to fund our Christmas angel project, which Rachel has all ready to go for the UMW Bazaar on November 18. We have 53 local children on our list, and we'll need to shop for siblings who haven't reached school age yet as well.

If you missed Sunday, then you also missed getting your first reading assignment for The Shack. To be up on the discussion next Sunday, you'll need to read the foreword and the first five chapters. Some class members plan to listen to the book on audio tape as an alternative to this assignment. It's available as an Ipod download for $5.00. Additional copies are on the way, so if you missed the first hand-out, you can catch the second!